The PAC Executive organizes many programs and fundraisers to help enrich your child’s experience at school. If you have any ideas that you think would contribute to the school’s goals, we would love to hear from you. Parents are an important part of the school community at SJD and parent involvement is both supported and appreciated.
The SJD PAC serves an important role as a bridge between parents, school and community. You can be more connected with what is happening first hand at the school by joining the PAC Executive, volunteering, or attending a general meeting. Check out the SJD PAC, today!
The SJD PAC is a registered, non-profit society and a member of both the Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (VCPAC) and the B.C. Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC). The PAC as SJD is committed to supporting, encouraging and improving the quality of education and the well being of students and school community at Sir James Douglas. Every parent/guardian with a child attending SJD is a automatically a member of the PAC.